
PREVENTION is difficult to implement.

Southern Spinal Care

It’s said when you are sick you see the doctor. This cultural belief assumes also, when “you” dont feel sick you don’t see the doctor.

There are some preventative medical prodecures that we all understand need to be done, for example, blood test screening regularly for cholesterol and general nurtrient levels.

However, if you don’t ask for these prevetative tests rarely is a test done for you.

The same applies for spinal tests.

At Southern Spinal Care we always recommend a spinal check monthly regardless of how you are feeling. Life’s postures acumulate restrictions in the spine and you may not feel any restrictions.

These rstrictions build into more restrictions and then suddenly you may have tension in the shoulders or your back, and sometimes acute pain.

Your spinal column is behind you and can be neglected, so consider monthly checks, it is an investment for the future.

In March we will be sending you emails on the Australian Chiropractors Association MOBILTY SERIES. This will show you how to test your spine regarding for mobilty.

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