
Human movement occurs when your brain sends signals via the nerves to muscles to make them contract. When this delicate balance is upset then errors to the muscles occur and therefore symptoms may develop. Applied Kinesiology is a testing procedure that determines if this balance is in error and then a treatment plan is designed to correct the dysfunction. It entails specific chiropractic spinal adjustment and possibly diet or advice on how to handle stress. This method has been in existence since the 1960’s and was developed by Dr George Goodheart. The system is so refined now that it can reveal many of your spinal and health issues.

What is Applied Kinesiology?

The amount of confusion over the term kinesiology has plagued many organizations for years and will continue to do so. Let’s take a moment to set the record straight.
The term Kinesiology is a word that means the study of movement and motion in the body. This is a topic that can be studied in major universities around the world. They learn bio-mechanics and physical mechanisms of body motion.
The term Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a different thing altogether. This term was created by the late Dr. George Goodheart an American chiropractor in the 1960’s. It is a term to describe a technique of using specific muscle testing as a neurologic evaluation of body function. A doctor or professional can use this feedback system to aid in the diagnosis of functional imbalance as well as assist in the feedback of appropriate treatment of a body imbalance.
Since the origination of Applied Kinesiology more than 80 other methods of “kinesiology” have been created. In addition to this the use of general muscle testing has also expanded. The common denominator in all these methods is the simple case of testing a human muscle in order to gain some sort of feedback.
Techniques: There are too many forms of kinesiology to both discuss and highlight. We will describe the most common ones.
PAK: Professional Applied Kinesiology
A.K. is an interdisciplinary approach to health care which draws together the core elements of the complementary therapies, creating a more unified approach to the diagnosis and treatment of functional illness. A.K. uses functional assessment measures such as posture and gait analysis, manual muscle testing as functional neurologic evaluation, range of motion, static palpation, and motion analysis. These assessments are used in conjunction with standard methods of diagnosis, such as clinical history, physical examination findings, laboratory tests, and instrumentation to develop a clinical impression of the unique physiologic condition of each patient, including an impression of the patient’s functional physiologic status. When appropriate, this clinical impression is used as a guide to the application of conservative physiologic therapeutics.
The practice of applied kinesiology requires that it be used in conjunction with other standard diagnostic methods by professionals trained in clinical diagnosis. As such, the use of applied kinesiology or its component assessment procedures is appropriate only to individuals licensed to perform those procedures.
The origin of contemporary applied kinesiology is traced to 1964 when George G. Goodheart Jr. DC first observed that in the absence of congenital or pathologic anomaly, postural distortion is often associated with muscles that fail to meet the demands of muscle tests designed to maximally isolate specific muscles. He observed that tender nodules were frequently palpable within the origin and/or insertion of the tested muscle. Digital manipulation of these areas of apparent muscle dysfunction improved both postural balance and the outcome of manual muscle tests. Goodheart and others have since observed that many conservative treatment methods improve neuromuscular function as perceived by manual muscle testing. These treatment methods have become the fundamental applied kinesiology approach to therapy. Included in the A.K. approach are specific joint manipulation or mobilization, various myofascial therapies, cranial techniques, meridian therapy, clinical nutrition, dietary management, and various reflex procedures. With expanding investigation there has been continued amplification and modification of the treatment procedures. Although many treatment techniques incorporated into applied kinesiology were pre-existing, many new methods have been developed within the discipline itself.
NET is a mind-body stress-reduction technique that uses a methodology of finding and removing neurological imbalances related to the physiology of unresolved stress. NET is a tool that helps improve mental and physical health.
Read the American Chiropractor article about NET
Download an informative NET brochure
What Can NET Treat?
NET Practitioners are nearly unlimited in their ability to address the physical and behavioral stress-related conditions of their patients. These conditions include headaches, body pains, phobias, general anxiety, self-sabotaging behaviors, organ dysfunctions and so much more. It’s important to note that NET does not cure or heal the patient, but rather, NET removes blocks to the natural vitalism of the body, “allowing” the body to repair itself naturally.
CK: Clinical Kinesiology
Clinical Kinesiology was a direct offshoot of the early works of Dr. George Goodheart by the late Dr. Alan Beardall. It was taught to qualified doctors and involved the concept of utilization of manual muscle testing into aspects of quantum healing and diagnostics.
TFH (Touch for Health)
Touch for Health was created by John F. Thie, DC (1933-2005). The first manual was published in 1973 and launched a worldwide movement in a holistic approach to health which teaches the restoring of our natural energies. It is a practical guide to natural health using acupressure, touch and massage to improve postural balance and reduce physical and mental pain and tension. Touch for health taught AK concepts to all people, both professional and non-, to utilize basic AK methods.

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