Shane Molanus
Mind Development Practitioner
Shane Molanus started his journey into Holistic Therapies 30 years ago. Shane`s first exposure to the workings of the mind and the discovery of mind development systems came through a mutual friend who was a Timeline Technique trainer. This ignited a passion and desire in Shane to understand and attain the ability to assist people to evolve and grow both on the inside and to improve the quality of their outer lives.
Shane has been in private practice for over 30 years dealing with a broad spectrum of clients from basic counseling to more serious mental health issues and has assisted thousands of people in improving the quality of not only their outer world but also a greater level of inner happiness and peace of mind in their everyday lives.
We know that everything starts with the content of our mind.
Shane undertook intense training in the field of NLP or Neuro–Linguistic – Programming and Timeline Technique at the Australian College of Traditional Medicine over a 4-year period and received the NLP Master Practitioner Certification in the year 2000.
Shane has continued to update his knowledge and continues his association and ongoing development with the Director of Australian college Traditional Medicine Quentin Strauli. One of the pioneers and leading Master trainers in the field of NLP. Being the founding chairman of the first board of NLP in Australia, Shane first met in 1996. Shane is also a founding member of the Australian Board of NLP. Shane is currently a member of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists.
What is St Technique?
St Technique is a modern mind and personal development system utilizing NLP, Timeline Technique, NADP and Modern mind technologies. Shane utilizes all his experience and knowledge of the workings of the mind to assist the clients with his unique mind development system to release blockages in the mind and to – reprogram the client’s mind with more empowering attitudes, beliefs, values, overall focus, happiness, and peace of mind in everyday life.
Take control of your life! Call now for your one-hour consultation and we’ll assist you to overcome any of your presenting issues.
Call Shane on 0409392137 or Southern Spinal Care on 9588 5504.