Migraine & Headache


There are many types of massage. Here at Southern Spinal Care in Kogarah we cater to each patient’s needs. We will be specific with the problem by diagnosing what it is that will create the best result. We will only use what is appropriate rather than the same the treatment for all. The types of massage at the clinic are :

The History:

  • How long have the headaches been present?
  • Are the headaches at night whilst you sleep?
  • Are they in the morning?
  • Are they intermittent?
  • Has the headache been persistent and getting worse, and you never had a headache like this before?
  • Where is the headache and is it always in that position and does it move?
  • For females is it around the menstrual cycle only?

The Examination

  • Checking your posture. Hunched over spines create neck compensations and irritations.
  • Checking the neurological (nerve) system for anomalies with deep tendon reflexes especially the arms via the cervical spine.
  • Testing the cranial nerves for dysfunction.
  • Checking the eyes for dysfunction.
  • Checking your balance whilst standing.
  • Checking the motion of the cervical spine especially and then whole spine mobility.
  • Checking the muscle tests of the upper limbs for cervical spine mobility problems.

The above are just some of the tests we may do to determine causes which guide us to corrections for your headaches.


Evidence-based guidelines for the chiropractic treatment of adults with headache

  • Roland Bryans
  • Martin Descarreaux.
  • Mireille Duranleau
  • Henri Marcoux
  • Brock Potter
  • Rick Ruegg
  • Lynn Shaw
  • Robert Watkin
  • Eleanor White


Chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy for cervicogenic headache: a single-blinded, placebo, randomized controlled tria

  • Aleksander Chaibi
  • Heidi Knackstedt
  • Peter J. Tuchin
  • Michael Bjørn Russell

Checking your posture. Hunched over spines create neck compensations and irritations.

Checking your posture. Hunched over spines create neck compensations and irritations.

Checking your posture. Hunched over spines create neck compensations and irritations.

Checking your posture. Hunched over spines create neck compensations and irritations.

Checking your posture. Hunched over spines create neck compensations and irritations.

Checking your posture. Hunched over spines create neck compensations and irritations.

Checking your posture. Hunched over spines create neck compensations and irritations.

Checking your posture. Hunched over spines create neck compensations and irritations.

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