Disc problems will vary in severity from easily corrected to requiring surgery. There are a few criteria to determine if surgery is required or spinal adjustment will help. A thorough neurological examination is essential. At Southern Spinal Care we take disc problems seriously and examine the client accordingly. If some deep tendon reflexes are weak or not present with muscle weaknesses a reassessment or referral may be required.

If this testing does not yield many positive tests, then a plan of spinal adjustment with rehabilitation exercises is commenced. Xrays, MRI or CAT scans are not the definite step for treatment or surgery always. All clinical testing will yield the necessary protocol. You don’t treat an xray, that’s only one piece of the puzzle. There are many types of disc problems, and they are all handled differently. Disc bulges, herniation, prolapses need different types of care or referral. We have helped many disc problems that were destined for surgery. The only way to know is to be thoroughly tested.