Terry Notaras


Terry Notaras

Chiropractic Doctor

Dr Terry Notaras is a Doctor of Chiropractic, who enjoys helping patients with spinal and joint problems..

“Every patient has an individual cause to their problem. Locating the underlying issue is essential. Thorough diagnosis before treatment is paramount. The spine is very important and it requires care and precision ” .. Dr Terry Notaras

Southern Spinal Care is the longest serving chiropractic clinic in Kogarah servicing patients of the southern area of Sydney.

Dr Terry is registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and is a member of the Australian Chiropractors Association. Dr Terry has previously served on the NSW Board of the Australian Chiropractors Association. He has lived in the local area for many years and also attended the local area schools. He attends regular continuing professional education programs for the spine and health. Dr Notaras attained his qualifications from the Sydney College of Chiropractic as a full time student over 5 years. He practiced in many clinics within Sydney before settling into the Kogarah clinic. He has been involved in post-graduate study in Applied Kinesiology. The Professional Golf Association Tour had trusted him as their chiropractor for many years and has also looked after Olympic athletes. He has been involved competitively in many sports including tennis, squash, athletics and surfing. He enjoys seeing difficult spinal and joint problem patients.


Headaches, neck and back pain, spinal disc problems, sciatica, knee and peripheral joint injuries are all areas treated at Southern Spinal Care.

Dr Terry will work with your current doctor or other health professional if you request. If he recognizes you need other health care services he will gladly recommend. A professional and very personal approach to your needs is always recommended.

To make an appointment with Dr Notaras please call 9588 5504 or Click Here to BOOK ONLINE

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