This is a common problem with people who use their hands extensively like a work situation. An old injury on the wrist could also be a cause. Identifying how the carpal tunnel syndrome is caused can help correct and also prevent it from recurring. The Carpal Tunnel is a ligament band that can put pressure on the nerves underneath via the ligament or the inflammation on the area. Pressure on the nerves can cause pins and needles. Numbness or muscle weakness in the hand. Muscle weakness over a period can lead to muscle wastage and changes in the shape of the hand. Using the hand will be limited and its important to address the carpal tunnel problem earlier than later because of the nerve pressures. Inflammation in the wrist and ankles can be caused by fluid retention. Diagnosing the cause of body fluid retention is important as the fluid puts pressure on the wrists and can be regarding as a carpal Tunnel Syndrome.